Stase Michaels - Background
STASE MICHAELS has a B. A. from McGill University, an M. A. in Psychology from the College of William & Mary, and an M.A. in Transpersonal Studies from Atlantic University. She carried out three research projects on the nightmares of trauma victims with PTSD, [combat veterans], taught dreams in college, gives seminars, wrote eight dream books & the true crime story, JUSTICE PLAYS ROULETTE .
How I see You, Me, & Life
IN ADDITION TO being a dream expert with world bestseller A LITTLE BIT OF DREAMS and top international book on scary dreams, NIGHTMARES—The Dark Side of Dreams & Dreaming, I'm also a TRUE CRIME STORY author of JUSTICE PLAYS ROULETTE.
BUT LIKE YOU, I'M MUCH MORE. We are the sum of our beliefs and outlook—the ideas and ideals that shape who we are during our daily journey through a never-calm sea of change. For me, dreams are the safe harbor, the light that leads the way.
DEDICATED TO YOU. You have a sword. You may not know it, but you have a sword of excellence, a talent so powerful that when you use it, others become quiet with wonder & feel amazingly loved. It may be a mother's smile that leaves others feeling safe and special. It may be the gleam of truth in a teacher's eye which inspires a reluctant student to step forward and become all they can be. It may be a businessman's ability to put forth a superior product—at a fair price. Such acts quietly but brilliantly transform the world! This website is dedicated to that sword in you. If you know your talents and use them, God bless you; use them with more brilliance when you learn to use dream messages. If you have not yet discovered your Special Self to express to the world, try meditation and dreams. If my words help you find your empowerment, let's celebrate!
I SEE LIFE AS A SPRITUAL JOURNEY with dreams as a soul tool which puts you in touch with your unique purposes and talents. By meeting obstacles and developing talents, you attain wholeness in slow, sure steps. The goal is wholeness, not perfection.
Like vibrant notes in a song or symphony, each adds their individual gift to those around them yet also participates in the whole show.
I've analyzed dreams from age 19. As a connection to the soul and inner self, I know dreams transmit the answers you seek, heal, and much more — as a natural inner tool to achieve your best life.
Learn all you need to know about interpreting dreams.
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